Pengaruh Kompensasi pada Kinerja Karyawan dengan Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Variabel Intervening di PT. Madukismo Yogyakarta

Ratri Ridhani, Fereshti Nurdiana Dihan


This  study  titled  effect  of  compensation  on  performance  and  job satisfaction as mediating variable in PT. Madukismo Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of financial compensation and non-financial compensation  on  job  satisfaction  partially  determine  the  effect  of  financial compensation and non-financial compensation to partial performance, determine the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of partial and greater knowing where the effect of compensation on performance directly or through intervening independent.  Variabel job satisfaction in this study using financial compensation and non-financial compensation, variable job satisfaction while mediation is the dependent  variable  in  this  study  is  the  performance.  The  population  of  this research were 378 permanent employees of PT Maduksimo Yogyakarta. Sampling technique  using  census  sampling  methods  and  techniques  Probability Proportionate  Random  Sampling  Strarified  totaled  177.  The  data  collectionmethod  used  was  a  questionnaire  and  in  analyzing  the  data  using  the  path analysis.  The results of this study indicate that financial compensation and nonfinancial compensation partially have a significant effect on job satisfaction and employee  performance  while  job  satisfaction  affects  the  performance  of permanent employees of PT Madukismo Yogyakarta. Besides the direct effect on the  performance  of  a  larger  compensation  than  the  indirect  effect  through  the intervening of job satisfaction in PT Madukismo Yogyakarta.


Compensation; Job Satisfaction; Performance


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